Love 'em or hate 'em, they've got to be done! How often are you all together looking sexy after all? Here are my top 5 tips for nailing your group shots on your wedding day.
- The best time to do the more formal shots is right after your ceremony. Before everyone wanders off like stray cats to get a drink or check in to their rooms
- HAVE A LIST READY BEFOREHAND. Honestly, just do it. Have a sit down with your partner and make a list together
- Once you've got your list sorted, assign one or two people to help wrangled your guests for their photos. This will save so much time and it means you and your partner can stay put!
- Have a maximum of about 15 separate shots on their at most. After standing there for 30 minutes, you're not going to want to smile anymore. You're going to want to get a drink and go mingle. Don't forget you can always get more informal group shots later in the day as you naturally go and chat/dance with your guests.
- If you have somewhere in mind that you'd like to do these, let your photographer know but don't be offended if we go for somewhere else in the end. This can depend on the lighting, backdrop of the area, get the picture
- And finally, try and have a giggle with it. Having group shots can feel a bit awkward so look at the people your cuddling, crack a joke, laugh at how awkward everyone feels.. whatever floats your boat! Natural smiles are always better than forced ones.